Viral Launch: All Features And Pricing

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Announcing Product Discovery: The Best Amazon Product Finder

image credit: Viral Launch

Viral Launch is a powerful tool that helps Amazon sellers to increase their sales by providing them with valuable data and insights. It offers a range of features such as product discovery, market intelligence, keyword research, competitor analysis, and more.

With Viral Launch, sellers can make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition. Amazon has become one of the most popular online marketplaces in recent years, attracting millions of buyers every day.

However, with so many sellers vying for attention on the platform, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.

This is where tools like Viral Launch come in handy. By using its advanced features and algorithms, sellers can optimize their listings for better visibility and sales. In this article, we will explore all the features offered by Viral Launch and its pricing plans so that you can decide if it’s the right tool for your business.

Key Takeaways

– Viral Launch offers a comprehensive suite of features for Amazon sellers including product research, sales analytics, listing optimization, keyword research, PPC management, competitor analysis, and product launch strategies.

– The platform is dedicated to helping sellers succeed on Amazon and offers personalized recommendations from experienced account managers.

– Viral Launch has both pros and cons, with benefits such as keyword research and optimization, product launch tools, and market intelligence feature, but potential drawbacks including high pricing plans and reported issues with accuracy of data provided by certain tools.

– It’s important for sellers to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to ensure that Viral Launch’s services are compatible with their business goals and objectives, and to strike a balance between maximizing the platform’s features while staying within budget constraints.

What are amazon seller tools and why are they needed

You need to know what Amazon seller tools are and why you absolutely can’t succeed without them. These tools are designed to provide seller assistance, sales optimization, marketing strategies, performance tracking, inventory management, customer feedback, and data analysis.

They help you stay ahead in the game by providing insights into your business and customers.

Seller assistance tools offer a wide range of resources that can be used for optimizing your product listings and improving sales.

These tools help you identify keywords that customers are searching for and provide suggestions for optimizing your product titles, descriptions, and images.

Performance tracking tools allow you to monitor how well your products are performing against competitors and make necessary changes to improve sales.

Marketing strategies play an important role in attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Amazon seller tools provide access to various advertising options such as sponsored products ads or display ads that showcase your brand on Amazon’s website.

Inventory management helps sellers keep track of their stock levels so they can restock before running out of products while customer feedback helps sellers gain insights into their customers’ needs so they can better serve them.

Amazon seller tools are essential for any seller looking to succeed on the platform. With these powerful features at their disposal, sellers can optimize their listings for better visibility, attract more customers with targeted advertising campaigns, manage inventory efficiently, analyze data trends to drive growth and ultimately build a profitable business on Amazon.

Viral Launch features overview

Take a quick peek at what’s in store for you with the amazing features of Viral Launch. This Amazon seller tool offers a plethora of features that can help sellers improve their sales and overall performance on the platform.

Here are some of the key features that Viral Launch has to offer:

Product research

With Viral Launch, users can get insights into product trends, competition analysis, and market demand data to make informed decisions about which products to sell.

Sales tracking

The tool allows users to track their sales metrics such as revenue, profit margins, and inventory levels. It also provides real-time alerts for changes in sales volume or pricing.

Listing optimization

Viral Launch helps sellers optimize their listings by providing keyword suggestions, competitor analysis, and A/B testing tools. This feature ensures that your listings are fully optimized for maximum visibility and conversions.

Other notable features include review management, advertising automation, inventory management, and customer insights. These tools provide valuable data on customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to improve marketing strategies and overall business performance.

Overall, Viral Launch is an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers looking to gain a competitive edge on the platform. Its powerful suite of features makes it easier than ever before to manage your Amazon business effectively while staying ahead of the curve in terms of product trends and consumer demand.

Product discovery & Market intelligence features

Discover the latest product trends and gain valuable market intelligence with Viral Launch’s product discovery and market analysis tools.

The product research feature allows users to find profitable products by analyzing Amazon’s bestseller rankings, search volume, and historical sales data. Additionally, the platform provides real-time market trend data that helps users identify untapped niches and stay ahead of the competition.

Viral Launch also offers a sales forecasting tool that estimates potential revenue for a given product based on historical sales data. This feature is especially useful for sellers who want to validate their product ideas before investing in inventory.

Moreover, the customer feedback tool enables sellers to monitor customer reviews and track competitor performance to improve their own products.

With Viral Launch’s competitor analysis tool, users can compare their products against competitors’ listings based on factors such as keywords, pricing, images, and reviews. This information empowers sellers to optimize their listings for maximum visibility and conversion rates.

Overall, Viral Launch’s suite of product discovery and market intelligence features offers powerful insights that help sellers make informed decisions about their ecommerce businesses.

Keyword search & keyword manager features

Improve your Amazon product listings and rank higher in search results with Viral Launch’s keyword search and keyword manager tools. You can conduct comprehensive keyword research to find relevant, high-traffic keywords to use in your product listings.

The software shows the search volume for each keyword, making it easy to identify which ones are most popular among consumers.

The competitor analysis feature allows you to see which keywords your competitors are using, giving you a better understanding of what marketing strategies they’re employing. You can also track the performance of your chosen keywords over time, making adjustments as necessary to improve your ranking on Amazon.

By leveraging this data-driven approach, you can stay ahead of the competition and maximize the visibility of your products on Amazon.

Viral Launch’s keyword search and management features take into account the latest changes in the Amazon algorithm, ensuring that you have access to reliable data that will drive results for your business.

With improved search visibility comes increased sales potential – by focusing on relevant keywords and optimizing product listings accordingly, businesses can attract more traffic from interested buyers who are searching for their products online.

Competitor intelligence

Want to gain an edge over your competitors on Amazon? Look no further than Viral Launch’s competitor intelligence feature. With this tool, you can learn about your competitors’ marketing strategies and which keywords they’re using to drive traffic and sales.

This information is invaluable for optimizing your own brand positioning, pricing strategy, and target audience.

Competitor analysis is a crucial aspect of market research that helps businesses stay ahead of the curve. By analyzing your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis), you can identify gaps in the market that you can fill with innovative products or services.

Additionally, keeping up with industry trends allows you to pivot your strategy as needed to stay relevant and competitive. Viral Launch’s competitor intelligence feature simplifies the process of conducting thorough market research.

It provides insights into how much revenue your competitors are generating from each product, their review ratings, and more.

Armed with this information, you can make data-driven decisions about how to adjust your pricing strategy or improve customer satisfaction ratings. In short, it’s a must-have tool for any business looking to succeed on Amazon!

Listing analyser & Listing builder solution

After gaining insights into the competitive landscape, the next step is to optimize your own product listing. That’s where Viral Launch’s Listing Analyzer and Listing Builder solutions come in handy.

The Listing Analyzer tool helps sellers identify weaknesses in their listings and provides optimization tips to improve them. It analyzes several factors, like title, bullet points, description, backend keywords, and more.

Using SEO research and competitor tracking data, the software generates a report that tells you how well your listing ranks for specific keywords compared to your competitors.

You can also see which keywords your competitors are using frequently and adjust accordingly. This information is invaluable as it enables you to make informed decisions when optimizing your product listing for maximum visibility on Amazon.

The Listing Builder tool allows sellers to create optimized titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keyword lists that help increase their product ranking on Amazon search results pages.

With Viral Launch’s Listing Analyzer & Builder solutions working together seamlessly, sellers can get ahead of the competition with ease and boost their sales by making informed optimizations in line with customer needs and trends instead of just guessing or assuming what works best for their products.

Kinetic PPC feature

By utilizing the Kinetic PPC feature, sellers can effectively manage and optimize their Amazon advertising campaigns. This tool enables sellers to increase their product’s visibility to potential customers through keyword targeting and bid management.

With its advanced algorithm, Kinetic PPC ensures that every dollar spent on advertising leads to a significant return on investment (ROI).

The campaign management solution provided by Kinetic PPC is designed for both beginners and experienced sellers.

It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows users to create, edit, and monitor campaigns effortlessly. The tool provides detailed analytics for each campaign, giving sellers valuable insights into performance metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and sales boost.

Overall, the Kinetic PPC feature is an essential tool for sellers looking to improve their Amazon advertising strategy. Its advanced optimization capabilities provide a range of benefits from increased visibility in search results to higher ROI tracking.

By leveraging this technology, sellers can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace while maximizing profits from their advertising investment.

Split testing feature

The Split testing feature, a valuable tool for Amazon sellers, allows them to test and compare different variations of their product listings to determine which performs best with potential customers. This feature is also known as A/B testing or conversion optimization.

It involves creating two or more versions of a product listing and directing traffic to each version to measure their performance metrics.

Data analysis is key in determining the success of split testing. Amazon sellers can gain insights into customer behaviour by examining the data collected during testing. They can then use this data to optimize their website for user experience and improve conversion rates.

By using this feature, Amazon sellers can make informed decisions on which listing variation will result in higher sales and profits. Overall, the Split Testing feature offered by Viral Launch provides an effective way for Amazon sellers to refine their product listings and increase sales.

With its emphasis on data analysis and website optimization, it helps sellers better understand what resonates with customers and how they behave when interacting with products online.

By incorporating A/B testing into their business strategy, Amazon sellers can achieve greater success in the marketplace without relying solely on guesswork or assumptions about customer behaviour.

Planning and pricing

When planning your Amazon business strategy, it’s important to consider the cost of Viral Launch’s services. The company provides a range of tools and features that can help sellers improve their sales and increase visibility, but these come at a cost.

To make the most of what Viral Launch has to offer, it’s essential to undertake a thorough cost analysis and incorporate this into your budget planning.

One way to do this is by considering your financial strategy in relation to market research and competitor analysis. By forecasting trends and identifying areas where you can gain an advantage over other sellers, you’ll be able to develop an effective pricing strategy that takes into account the costs associated with using Viral Launch.

This could involve investing more upfront in order to achieve long-term gains or taking a more conservative approach that focuses on maintaining profitability.

Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between maximizing your use of Viral Launch’s features while staying within budget constraints. By carefully planning your approach and taking into account all relevant factors, you’ll be well positioned to succeed in the highly competitive world of Amazon selling.

Here is the pricing and package offered by Viral Launch-

EssentialsProPro Plus Ads
Amazon product filteringAll features from Essentials plusAll features from Pro plus
Keyword Search VolumeUse metrics like monthly revenue, historical sales and price trendsRobust Amazon advertising platform
Browser research extensionCompetitor monitoringDetailed advertising analytics and data
Advice & guidanceSEO & listing optimizationCreate & customize your own automations
Global dataRank tracking & alerts24/7 campaign monitoring & adjustments
Listing health analysisOrganic + PPC keyword tracking
Prices are based on monthly billing. Annual billing is available at a lower rate. Custom pricing is available for high-volume sellers.

Pros and Cons of Viral Launch

Deciding whether or not to use Viral Launch can be challenging as there are both advantages and disadvantages to utilizing its services for Amazon businesses. Here are some pros and cons that can help you make an informed decision:


– One of the biggest benefits of using Viral Launch is their ability to provide keyword research and optimization, which is crucial for Amazon businesses looking to rank higher in search results.

– Additionally, their product launch tools allow sellers to create buzz around new products and increase sales velocity.

– Another advantage is their market intelligence feature, which provides valuable insights into competitors’ strategies.


– Some users have reported issues with the accuracy of data provided by certain tools, such as the sales estimator.

– Finally, while the platform offers a wide range of features, it may not be necessary for all sellers depending on their specific needs.

Final thoughts:

Ultimately, whether or not Viral Launch is right for your Amazon business will depend on a variety of factors such as budget, goals, and level of experience with selling on the platform. It’s important to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks before making a decision and consider other options as well.

While there are certainly strengths and weaknesses associated with Viral Launch’s services, it remains a popular choice among many Amazon sellers who value its comprehensive suite of tools and resources.

Customer support and resources by Viral Launch

If you’re a seller on Amazon, you’ll appreciate the helpful customer support and abundance of resources that Viral Launch provides to assist with your business growth.

Viral Launch offers various ways for sellers to get in touch with their customer support team, including email and phone support. They also have a live chat feature available during regular business hours. Response time for customer inquiries is quick, typically within 24-48 hours.

Additionally, Viral Launch provides training materials through their knowledge base and user community. This means that even if you can’t reach a representative directly, there are other resources available to help answer any questions or concerns you may have about using the platform.

For those who prefer more personalized attention, Viral Launch also provides an account manager service. With this service, sellers receive one-on-one assistance from an experienced account manager who can offer tailored recommendations based on individual needs and goals.

Overall, Viral Launch’s commitment to providing quality customer support and resources demonstrates their dedication to helping sellers succeed on Amazon.

Is Viral Launch right for you- Final thought

You’ll feel confident in your Amazon business growth with the exceptional customer support and personalized resources offered by Viral Launch. However, before signing up for their services, it’s important to conduct a cost benefit analysis to ensure that it’s worth the investment.

While Viral Launch offers a range of features and tools at competitive pricing, there are alternative options available in the market as well.

Viral Launch caters primarily to sellers who are looking for advanced solutions to grow their Amazon businesses. Their target audience includes both new and experienced sellers who want to gain insights into product research, competitor analysis, and optimization strategies.

The user experience is seamless with an intuitive interface that allows users to navigate through different features effortlessly. Customer reviews suggest that Viral Launch has been successful in helping sellers increase their sales on Amazon.

However, it’s crucial to evaluate whether the platform is compatible with your business goals and objectives before making a purchase decision.

It’s also worth noting that Viral Launch frequently updates its features and tools to keep up with changing market trends. In summary, while Viral Launch offers excellent customer support and resources for Amazon sellers, it’s important to weigh out the cost benefit analysis against alternative options available in the market.

Their target audience includes both new and experienced sellers who can leverage their advanced solutions for business growth. Customer reviews have been positive overall, but compatibility with individual business needs should be considered when evaluating this platform.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does Viral Launch compare to other Amazon seller tools on the market?

Compared to other Amazon seller tools, Viral Launch stands out with its extensive feature comparison, intuitive user interface, responsive customer support, flexible pricing structure, seamless integration options, robust analytics capabilities and numerous success stories. It’s an innovative choice for sellers looking to boost their sales.

Can Viral Launch help with international marketplaces, or is it limited to just

Viral Launch offers marketplace expansion, global reach, and multilingual support for cross-border selling. They also provide international SEO and cultural adaptation to help businesses navigate regional competition beyond

Does Viral Launch offer any training or educational resources to help sellers improve their skills?

Viral Launch offers a variety of training resources and educational materials to help sellers improve their skills and gain knowledge about Amazon. These learning opportunities include Amazon education, seller training, and skill improvement courses.

How does Viral Launch handle data privacy and security for its users?

Viral Launch prioritizes data privacy and user protection through legal compliance, confidentiality agreements, and cybersecurity measures. Their privacy policies ensure the secure handling of sensitive information to maintain client trust.

Does Viral Launch provide any kind of guarantee or refund policy for its services?

Viral Launch offers a 14-day satisfaction guarantee and a refund policy for their services. They provide competitor analysis, feature comparison, multilingual support, and skill development training resources. Data privacy and security measures are also ensured for users in the global marketplace.


In conclusion, Viral Launch offers a wide range of features that cater to the needs of Amazon sellers. Their tools are designed to help sellers stay ahead in a competitive marketplace, from product discovery and market intelligence to keyword search and competitor analysis.

Their pricing plans are flexible and affordable, making it accessible for both small and large businesses. However, some users may find it difficult to navigate the platform, especially if they’re new to selling on Amazon. Additionally, while their customer support is reliable, some users have reported slow response times.

Overall, if you’re looking for a comprehensive and efficient tool to manage your Amazon business, Viral Launch could be a great option. They offer valuable insights that can help you make informed decisions about your products and sales strategies, with their user-friendly interface and extensive resources.

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